Thursday, May 17, 2012

Eisenhower and Civil Rights

President Eisenhower wasn't to involved when it came to the Blacks trying to reach equality. The President majority of the time would just study and investigate their grievances, and if he wasn't doing that he was playing golf with business men in the south. For instance, Raplh Bunche recieved an award for being a distinguished African American diplomat. The award was proceeded by a dinner with the President and to Eisenhower, enjoying dinner with a Black man sitting next to you at the same dinner table was foreign. The president was blind to racial intolerance and didn't even publicly endorse desegregation in school after the Brown v Board case. President Eisenhower believed the prospect of the black would be hurt and southern hearts of the white man would harden if integration was forced. Eisenhower didnt serve the country well when it  came to problems of race and racism, the man took a more "sit back and watch" posistion.

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